Make Your Tummy Tuck an ‘Hourglass Tuck’ in Los Angeles

Los Angeles tummy tuck specialist Dr. David Stoker creates a dramatic improvement for patients concerned about loose abdominal skin, excess fat, and stretch marks after pregnancy or other significant weight loss. This comprehensive tummy tuck produces an hourglass shape that enhances a patient’s natural curves. 

Tummy Tuck
 Before & After Photos


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How Is a Tummy Tuck Performed? 

As a board-certified plastic surgeon and body contouring specialist, Dr. Stoker customizes his technique during tummy tuck surgery to address each patient’s specific needs. Abdominoplasty, commonly called a tummy tuck, is a procedure Dr. Stoker performs several times a week, often combining it with other procedures. His expertise includes years of research on innovative techniques used for tummy tuck surgery.  

Dr. Stoker makes tummy tuck incisions as low as possible on the abdomen—just above the pubic area—so patients can wear virtually any bikini bottom, low-cut pants, or any other fashion that reveals most of the midsection. He discusses the location and length of the incision in detail with patients during their consultations, so they know what to expect. Typically, the length of the incision depends on the amount of skin that needs to be removed. 

Most of the abdominoplasty procedures performed by Dr. Stoker include the following elements:

  1. Removing extra skin and fat from the lower abdomen through a lower abdominal incision 
  2. Tightening abdominal muscles, creating a much flatter abdomen 
  3. Pulling down the loose skin of the upper abdomen like a window shade, then smoothing the skin and fatty bulges of the abdomen 
  4. Repositioning the bellybutton and pulling the skin around it down to a much lower location 
tummy tuck diagram

Dr. Stoker also rejuvenates the pubic area (mons pubis) as part of abdominoplasty surgery, something that many surgeons overlook. A pubic lift dramatically enhances the results of a tummy tuck.  

Why choose Dr. Stoker?

The Dr. Stoker Difference

For Your Tummy Tuck:
He is the author of multiple, large clinical studies on abdominoplasty safety.
He has authored a textbook chapter on abdominoplasty and body contouring.
He is a course instructor for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons® (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
He is a surgeon consultant for “The Biggest Loser,” NBC’s hit television series.
He is a surgeon for ABC’s new series “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.”

Dr. David Stoker

Educated at some of the most elite institutions in the country, Dr. David Stoker uses his highly advanced knowledge to ensure that each patient achieves beautiful, harmonious results — whether it's through a simple non-surgical procedure or a more advanced surgical transformation. Learn more about his unique credentials and his approach to plastic surgery.

Why Choose Dr. Stoker
Professional Resume

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck? 

Candidates for a tummy tuck have some (or all) of the following concerns: 

  • Loose skin on the lower abdomen 
  • Stretch marks on the lower abdomen 
  • Abdominal muscle laxity 
  • Pubic laxity 

Good abdominoplasty candidates should be healthy non-smokers. Avoiding smoking is important to decrease risks. Although it’s better for patients to be near their ideal weight, many patients who are overweight are still good candidates for the procedure. Dr. Stoker helps patients understand the advantages and disadvantages for their particular situations when they visit him for a consultation. 

What Is an Hourglass Tuck? 

Creating a desirable hourglass shape for abdominoplasty patients includes sculpting the body with liposuction and using the patient’s own fat to enhance the breasts and buttocks with fat grafting. Dr. Stoker also uses a technique called muscle plication, or muscle repair, to tighten abdominal muscles separated during pregnancy (a condition called diastasis recti).  

Dr. Stoker tightens the abdominal muscles without cutting any muscle by using secure two-layer sutures for the fibrous fascia surrounding the muscles. This helps create a slimmer midsection, in addition to removing excess skin and pulling the remaining skin tight.  

tummy tuck incision options

What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck? 

Dr. Stoker performs mini tummy tuck surgery for patients at his Los Angeles practice whose concerns are limited to the area below the bellybutton. It involves making a smaller incision than is used for a full tummy tuck—about 6 inches—and removing a smaller amount of excess skin from the lower abdomen. The best candidates for a mini tummy tuck don’t require repair of their abdominal muscles and are satisfied with the appearance of their upper abdomen.  

What Happens to the Bellybutton?  

The appearance of the bellybutton (umbilicus) following a tummy tuck is an often-overlooked aspect of the procedure, yet it is crucial to producing results that look natural. The techniques used by different plastic surgeons vary quite a bit—and so do the results.  

Dr. Stoker honed his own special technique to accomplish these goals:  

  • Hide the scar by placing it slightly on the inside edge 
  • Remove some fat surrounding the umbilicus to recreate youthful contours 
  • Use a crescent-shaped skin excision to create a natural-appearing upper fold of skin 
  • Deepen the base of the umbilicus to create an “innie” bellybutton (unless the patient requests an “outie”) 
  • Bury the external sutures so that stitch marks are not visible on the tension-free closure 

Each of these details contributes to creating beautiful bellybuttons for Dr. Stoker’s tummy tuck patients. 

How Long Is Recovery After an Hourglass Tuck? 

Following a tummy tuck, patients should take at least 1 week to recover before returning to work, but this varies depending on the extent of your surgery and the physical nature of your job. It’s best to gradually ease back into your exercise routine and avoid strenuous workouts for at least 6 weeks after your tummy tuck. Dr. Stoker provides detailed post-op instructions to all patients, and it’s very important that you follow them closely to help you recover as quickly as possible and minimize the risk of complications. 

Tummy Tuck FAQ
Will a tummy tuck get rid of stretch marks? 

A tummy tuck may remove stretch marks on the lower abdomen, but those above the bellybutton may remain. However, the skin tightening that occurs as part of a tummy tuck improves the appearance of the remaining stretch marks. 

Where are the scars for a tummy tuck? 

The scars for a tummy tuck are inside the bellybutton and at the lower abdominal waistline. Ideally, the scar should be positioned so that a low-cut bikini bottom covers it. 

How long do tummy tucks last?

The improvements last indefinitely when patients maintain a stable weight and do not become pregnant. The aging process will continue, so there may be some minor skin laxity at some point in the future.

When should you not get a tummy tuck?

While a tummy tuck can be a great way to feel more comfortable and confident, there are times when it may be best to hold off on having the surgery, including:

  • Your BMI is over 30
  • You plan to become pregnant
  • You want to lose weight

Dr. Stoker does make exceptions to these guidelines and welcomes you to come in for a consultation to discuss your unique situation.

What procedures are commonly combined with a tummy tuck? 

Many abdominoplasty patients combine liposuction on their flanks or thighs to enhance their results. Liposuction, as mentioned, is a crucial component of the Hourglass Tuck. Additionally, some women choose to get breast enhancement surgery at the same time as a tummy tuck, a combination of procedures usually called a Mommy Makeover.  

Is combining procedures safe? 

Dr. Stoker has conducted extensive clinical research on the safety of tummy tucks and combined procedures. In his hands, there’s no increase in complication rates when combining a tummy tuck with other operations. Of course, not all patients are candidates for combined surgical procedures. That decision is made on an individual basis in a detailed consultation.   

What types of complications may occur with a tummy tuck?  

Complications that may occur after a tummy tuck include bleeding, infection, seroma, delayed wound healing, and venous thrombosis. The complication rate may be decreased with experienced and diligent postoperative care. Even patients with complications are still likely to be pleased with their ultimate abdominoplasty improvements. 

Start With a Consultation

If you are looking for an abdominoplasty specialist in Los Angeles, Dr. Stoker is considered one of the leading body contouring specialists in the nation. You can use the online form to request a consultation at his Marina del Rey practice or call us at (310) 300-1779 to schedule an appointment.

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Non-Surgical Enhancement

Our expertise extends beyond plastic surgery. We offer an extensive range of non-surgical treatments administered by our talented, experienced team of aesthetic providers under the guidance of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Stoker.

If you have a treatment in mind, review our complete offering of non-surgical services. If you need a little help deciding, narrow down your options with our interactive treatment planner.

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