Traceless Facelift

Though there are many options to reduce the signs of aging, the facelift remains the most effective choice for rejuvenation. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Stoker customizes each facelift at his Los Angeles practice to address a patient’s specific concerns. Using techniques he has developed throughout his career, Dr. Stoker’s Traceless Facelift produces natural-looking results with virtually imperceptible incisions.

Facelift - Traceless Facelift
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Facelift - Traceless Facelift Case 809 View #1 View in Los Angeles, CA
Before & After
Case: 1 of 8

As we get older, collagen production decreases, the skin begins to lose elasticity, and sun damage becomes more noticeable. This is what we call aging, and to combat that, we can do a combination treatment. This patient wanted a full facial rejuvenation treatment to restore her youthful appearance so that is exactly what we did, giving her th... Read More
Before & After Facelift - Traceless Facelift Case 796 View #1 View in Los Angeles, CA
Before & After
Case: 3 of 8

Dr. David Stoker, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. I'd like to share with you a stunning Traceless Facelift result. What is a Traceless Facelift? That's one of my signature procedures that is a facelift frequently overlapping with the face and neck lift that involves pan rejuvenation in such a natural appearance with such dis... Read More
Before & After Facelift - Traceless Facelift Case 836 View #1 View in Los Angeles, CA
Before & After
Case: 4 of 8

This beautiful 52-year-old woman came to us hoping to have a pan facial rejuvenation treatment to make her look how she felt young and beautiful. She flew in from out of town and was a previous patient of mine for other procedures. And she, most of all, wanted a natural appearance.

We did a face and neck lift with platysmaplasty, a chi... Read More
Before & After Facelift - Traceless Facelift Case 829 View #1 View in Los Angeles, CA
Before & After
Case: 5 of 8

A 53-year-old woman came to us desiring a pan-facial rejuvenation. She had beautiful underlying features, but her skin did not hold up well in the Southern California sun, and she also smoked for a good number of years that accelerated the aging. I performed a Traceless facelift and neck lift, in addition to upper eyelids and deep fractional... Read More
Before & After Facelift - Traceless Facelift Case 814 View #1 View in Los Angeles, CA
Before & After
Case: 6 of 8

Our 63-year-old male patient is an active guy who was unhappy that his eyes had lost their sparkle. His neck skin was sagging and his cheek skin and jowls were also sagging. He's very active in his life, lives like a young man. He wanted to restore that youthful appearance that he once had. 

The first thing I noticed was that ligh... Read More
Before & After Facelift - Traceless Facelift Case 798 View #1 View in Los Angeles, CA
Before & After
Case: 7 of 8

In her late sixties, our beautiful patient was preparing for her 50th high school reunion and wanted to look and feel her best. Five years ago, I performed my signature Traceless Facelift on her, and she returned to address sagging skin in her upper eyes, mid-face, and neck, as well as wrinkly skin that had developed. Our goal was to reduce s... Read More
Before & After Facelift - Traceless Facelift Case 493 View #1 View in Los Angeles, CA
Before & After
Case: 8 of 8

This 51-year-old man was bothered by premature aging on his face. He felt that he appeared angry or grumpy even when he was happy inside. Dr. Stoker performed a facelift, upper eyelid lift and carbon dioxide laser resurfacing of his lower eyelids. He is shown before and three months following his surgery. He now feels it is easier for him to... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Can a Facelift Look Natural?

Modern facelift techniques emphasize creating results that look natural and avoiding the “windblown” look produced by simply pulling the skin tighter. A top facial plastic surgeon such as Dr. Stoker achieves this goal by carefully evaluating the unique facial characteristics of each patient and then developing a customized surgical plan to address the patient’s specific concerns. 

Combining Facelift With Neck Lift Surgery

A traditional facelift addresses the lower two-thirds of the face but not necessarily concerns you may have about your neck’s appearance. Some patients get a standalone neck lift to reduce the appearance of vertical neck bands or to tighten loose skin. In many cases, however, patients can benefit from combining a facelift with a neck lift. The results of the procedure appear more natural than having just one of the techniques performed.

Traceless Facelift vs. Deep Plane Facelift

In some cases, Dr. Stoker may recommend a deep plane facelift to address significant jowling and nasolabial folds and tighten loose neck skin. As the name suggests, this technique involves deeper adjustments than a Traceless Facelift. Both techniques produce excellent, natural-looking results.

How Will Your Facelift Surgery Be Performed? 

Dr. Stoker uses a general anesthetic for facelifts to ensure patients remain comfortable throughout the procedure. He begins the surgery by making discreet incisions concealed in the hairline in front of and behind the ear. Using these incisions, Dr. Stoker then elevates and repositions the underlying muscles and fat to a location that creates a more youthful appearance. He then carefully re-drapes the skin, removes any excess, and then closes the incision with minimal tension on the delicate tissues.  

In most cases, Dr. Stoker also makes a small incision under the chin so he can tighten neck muscles and lift sagging skin. He may also use liposuction to remove excess neck fat and recommend inserting a chin implant to enhance the jawline’s definition.  

These techniques can: 

  1. Smooth vertical lines in the cheeks 
  2. Restore definition to the jawline 
  3. Tighten lax neck skin  
Facelift diagram

Dr. Stoker’s meticulous incision technique means the resulting scars are undetectable for most patients—a traceless facelift.  

Why choose Dr. Stoker?

The Dr. Stoker Difference

For Your Facelift:
He has performed thousands of cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation.
He is recognized nationally for his research on the facial nerve as it relates to face lifts.
He specializes in a variety of facelift techniques, including short scar facelifts.
He has been featured on “Dr. Phil” for his skill and knowledge in facial surgery.

What Is a Mini Facelift?  

Younger women and men may be good candidates for a mini facelift, which minimizes wrinkles in the cheeks by lifting and repositioning facial skin. A mini facelift isn’t an appropriate approach for patients concerned about jowls or loose neck skin.  

Another technique is the short scar facelift, which involves making incisions similar to a mini facelift. Unlike the mini facelift, however, the short scar lift primarily improves the cheeks and jowls by restoring facial muscles and fat to a more youthful position.  

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Traceless facelift patients are typically men and women in their 50s and 60s with significant skin laxity in the cheeks, neck, and jowls. It’s also a procedure sought by patients who have lost a significant amount of weight. Younger patients with less obvious facial aging can benefit from a mini facelift.

Patients should be in good overall health with their blood pressure under control. Candidates who smoke should stop before their procedure. 

What’s the Difference Between a Mid Facelift and Lower Facelift? 

Plastic surgeons typically divide the face into thirds—the upper face, mid face, and lower face. The upper face is everything above the eyes. The mid face describes the area from the corners of the eyes to the corners of the mouth, including the nose, cheeks, and area above the upper lip. It also includes buccal fat pads in the middle of the cheeks that affect their contours. The lower face is the area below the corners of the mouth, which includes “laugh lines,” the jawline, and the chin.  

A lower facelift often includes the neck, too, and is recommended for patients with sagging jowls and nasolabial folds. A mini facelift addresses loose skin in the mid-face area but isn’t as effective for the lower face.  

Surgical Facelift vs. Liquid Facelift

People with early signs of aging or those who wish to avoid surgery may consider a nonsurgical facelift alternative called a liquid facelift, which combines BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal filler injections. Here is a comparison:

Surgical Facelift

Addresses moderate to severe facial aging

Improves sagging due to loss of skin elasticity

Corrects jowls

Recovery about 2 weeks

Results last 10+ years

More expensive than a liquid facelift

Liquid Facelift

Addresses mild to moderate facial aging

Best for patients with good skin elasticity

Does not correct jowls

Mild redness and swelling for about 24 hours

Temporary results (touch-ups every 4 to 12 months)

Less expensive than facelift surgery

For an in-depth comparison of surgical and nonsurgical facelifts, read this blog post.

Combining Other Procedures With a Facelift 

When you look at Dr. Stoker’s portfolio of facelift before-and-after photos, you will see that the patients typically combined their facelifts with other procedures. These combinations create the facial harmony that is the plastic surgeon’s goal. Performing a standalone facelift improves the lower two-thirds of the face but doesn’t address sagging in the eye area or rough, discolored skin.  

Procedures that are frequently combined with a Traceless Facelift include:  

  • Neck lift: To continue rejuvenation from the jawline to the collarbones, most facelift patients benefit from a neck lift. This procedure smoothes and tightens lax, crepey skin and corrects vertical bands.
  • Neck liposuction: This procedure can remove a double chin and fullness along the neck with gentle suction.
  • Laser skin resurfacing: Many patients who want a facelift also have sun-damaged skin, wrinkles, or skin discoloration. Fractional CO2 laser treatments can often address these concerns. These ablative laser treatments are very effective and often require only a single session to obtain the desired results. With a patient under general anesthesia, the treatment can penetrate deeper layers of the skin. 
  • Upper and lower blepharoplasty: The delicate skin under the eyes can be treated with a laser, but eyelid surgery is also an option. Upper eyelid surgery creates a more rested look. 
  • Brow lift: A sagging brow can look even worse if a patient undergoes facial rejuvenation without a brow lift.
  • BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers: Injectable treatments can enhance and maintain rejuvenation after facial plastic surgery.  

To create comprehensive results, Dr. Stoker discusses a range of options with each patient depending on their specific concerns and aesthetic goals.  

How Long Is Facelift Recovery?

Most of Dr. Stoker’s facelift patients take about a week off from work if their jobs aren’t physically demanding. Bruising and swelling are most noticeable during the first week after surgery and then steadily disappear over the next several weeks. Learn more in this blog post.

Facelift FAQ
What is the best age for a facelift?

While most of Dr. Stoker’s facelift patients are in their late 40s to 60s, there is no specific “best” age for having the surgery. If you are bothered by facial aging that can’t be corrected with nonsurgical treatments and procedures, it’s time for a personal consultation with Dr. Stoker. Learn more in this blog post.

How long before a significant social event should I get a facelift?

The “social recovery” time following a facelift generally takes at least 6 weeks to 2 months. How soon a patient feels comfortable going to a wedding or class reunion is highly personal. It’s important to begin consulting with plastic surgeons well before the event date because you may need to wait weeks or even months after choosing a surgeon to undergo the procedure.

Does a mini facelift get rid of jowls?

A Traceless Facelift is considered the gold standard for correcting sagging jowls, with results that can last for a decade or more even as the aging process continues. A less invasive mini facelift isn’t as effective for improving the appearance of jowls. Dr. Stoker performs a short-scar facelift technique for patients with mild jowls, producing results that can last up to 10 years.

What can I do instead of a facelift?

In some cases, a non-surgical approach called a liquid facelift—which combines dermal fillers and BOTOX® or Dysport® injections—can create a more youthful appearance.

Are there non-surgical ways to tighten neck skin or reduce jowls?

Some women and men may be good candidates for non-surgical skin tightening alternatives, such as Ultherapy® or fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing. These can be effective treatments for patients who are just starting to notice lax skin along their jawlines or necks.

How long will swelling and numbness last after a facelift?

Swelling and bruising, accompanied by a tingling sensation and numbness, are common facelift side effects. Even though swelling and numbness tend to peak by the second week of the healing process, it can take months for the swelling to fully resolve after facelift surgery. It’s also normal for the numbness to persist for up to 6 months, with the feeling gradually returning to the face.

How long after facelift surgery does it take to see the results?

Most patients see the final results of the procedure about 6 weeks after surgery.

What should patients look for in facelift before-and-after photos?

The lighting, distance, and angles of the photos taken before and after surgery should be consistent. The traditional views are a frontal view, profile views from each side, and a three-quarter view. The head should be in a neutral position, not tilted up, which can create a misleading look by stretching the skin.

How painful is a facelift?

The amount of discomfort someone experiences following facelift surgery varies from person to person, but most patients discover that any pain they feel is much milder than expected and can be easily managed with medication. Patients often don’t need anything stronger than acetaminophen (Tylenol®) after the first night of recovery.

What risks are associated with facelifts?

Risks are present during any elective procedure, but most patients don’t experience complications after facelift surgery. Bleeding, infection, delayed healing, and nerve damage are potential complications. Dr. Stoker encourages patients to contact him with any concerns or questions during their recovery.

Where does Dr. Stoker perform facelift surgery?

He performs most facelift procedures in Marina del Rey at our outpatient surgical center across the street from our office.

How can I prepare for a facelift?

Being in good overall health helps patients recover more quickly and minimizes the risk of complications. Your blood pressure should be under control, and if you smoke, you will need to quit several weeks before the surgery.

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Everyone was kind and quick. A special thanks to Carla for always doing an awesome job.
They helped me with surgery aftercare even though my surgery was done out of state. It takes kind doctors...
I have been going to Carla for many years and have complete trust in her knowledge and skill in aesthetics....
It was my first time in the office and Carla was highly recommended by a client . I was nervous and...

Start With a Consultation

Men and women looking for the best facelift surgeon in Los Angeles choose Dr. Stoker after meeting with him personally and reviewing his patients’ before-and-after photos. You can use the online form to request a consultation with him or call our office at (310) 300-1779 to schedule an appointment.  

If you are visiting us from the Central Coast, please visit our “To Our Neighbors” page. We offer dedicated guidance for facelift patients from Santa Barbara and Montecito. Traveling from outside of California? Our fly-in program was made for you.

Nonsurgical Procedure Treatment Planner

Non-Surgical Enhancement

Our expertise extends beyond plastic surgery. We offer an extensive range of non-surgical treatments administered by our talented, experienced team of aesthetic providers under the guidance of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Stoker.

If you have a treatment in mind, review our complete offering of non-surgical services. If you need a little help deciding, narrow down your options with our interactive treatment planner.

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